
Can an 11 year old start a business



Photo: Shutterstock

My Journey as a Teen Entrepreneur

In this blog post, I will share my journey as a teen entrepreneur, starting with my slime business and transitioning to a lip gloss business. Despite facing challenges and outgrowing spaces, I never gave up on my dreams. Join me as I recount my experiences and the lessons I learned along the way.

The Birth of Slime Queen Slay 17

When I was just 11 years old, I had a brilliant idea to start my own slime business called Slime Queen Slay 17. I knew that kids my age loved playing with slime, so I decided to sell it on Etsy. With the support of my family, I created different types of slime and listed them on my online shop.

At first, business was slow, but I didn’t let that discourage me. I kept promoting my slime and experimenting with new recipes. Slowly but surely, my sales started to pick up, and I gained a small following of loyal customers.

Transitioning to Lip Gloss

After about a year of running my slime business, I felt like it was time for a new challenge. I decided to venture into the world of lip gloss. With the same determination and creativity, I started my lip gloss business with just a few glosses.

As I began promoting my lip glosses and growing my business, I realized that I needed more space to work. My grandma’s living room, where I had been operating, was no longer enough. It was cluttered and chaotic, making it difficult to work efficiently.

Investing in My Own Office Space

At the age of 17, I made the bold decision to invest in my own office space. It was a scary step, but I knew that if I wanted to take my business to the next level, I needed a dedicated space to work and create. With the support of my mom, who became my business partner, I found the perfect office.

Having my own office was a game-changer. It allowed me to focus on my brand and expand my product line. I continued pushing out new products and creating engaging content to connect with my customers.

Growing Pains and New Beginnings

As my business continued to grow, I faced new challenges. The workload became overwhelming, and I knew I couldn’t do it all on my own. That’s when my mom, known as Mama Boss, made the decision to quit her job and join me full-time.

With my mom’s help, we were able to handle the increasing demands of the business. We even caught the attention of the news, and I was interviewed about my entrepreneurial journey. Graduating from high school was a huge relief, as it gave me more time to focus on my brand and take it to new heights.

Expanding and Looking Ahead

As our business continued to thrive, we outgrew our office space once again. We knew it was time to find a new, larger space to accommodate our growing team and inventory. Today, I am proud to say that we have expanded and are pushing out new products to our ever-growing customer base.

My journey as a teen entrepreneur has been filled with ups and downs, but I’ve learned so much along the way. I’ve learned the importance of perseverance, creativity, and the value of having a supportive team. I am excited to see what the future holds for my brand and can’t wait to share more of my entrepreneurial adventures with you.

The Birth of Slime Queen Slay 17

Starting My Own Business

When I was just 11 years old, I had a big dream. I wanted to start my own business and be my own boss. That’s when I came up with the idea of creating and selling slime. I named my business “Slime Queen Slay 17”. It was a catchy name that I thought would attract customers.

I decided to sell my slime on Etsy, an online marketplace where people can buy and sell handmade items. It was a bit scary at first, but I was determined to make it work. I started with just a few types of slime, experimenting with different colors and textures.

Growing My Business

As time went on, I realized that I needed to promote my business and reach more customers. I started using social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok to showcase my slime creations. I would make videos of me playing with the slime and post pictures of the different varieties I had for sale.

Word started to spread about Slime Queen Slay 17, and soon I had more and more customers. It was exciting to see my business grow, but it also presented some challenges. My grandma’s living room, where I had set up my slime-making station, was starting to get crowded. There was barely any space to walk, and it became a messy situation.

Investing in My Own Office Space

I knew that if I wanted to take my business to the next level, I needed my own dedicated space. So, at the age of 17, I made the bold decision to invest in my own office. It was a scary step, but I knew I couldn’t give up now. I had to keep hustling and pushing forward.

With the support of my mom, who is now known as Mama Boss, we transformed the new office into a slime-making paradise. It was a place where I could focus on creating new products and content for my growing customer base.

Continued Growth and Success

As time went on, my business continued to thrive. I kept pushing out new and exciting slime products, constantly coming up with fresh ideas. It became a lot to handle, and that’s when my mom decided to quit her job and join me full-time. Her help and support were invaluable, and I couldn’t imagine running the business without her.

In June, I had the incredible opportunity to be interviewed by the news. It was a proud moment for me and my family. And shortly after that, I graduated from high school, which was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Graduating meant I had more time to focus on my brand and continue growing it even more.

Eventually, we outgrew our office space once again and had to find a new one. It was a sign of our success and the hard work we had put into building Slime Queen Slay 17. And here I am today, still pushing out new and exciting slime products, grateful for the journey that has brought me to where I am now.

Transitioning to the Lip Gloss Business

After quitting my slime business, I ventured into the world of lip gloss. It was a big change, but I was excited to try something new. I started with just a few glosses, experimenting with different colors and flavors.

I knew that if I wanted my lip gloss business to succeed, I needed to promote and grow it even more. So, I started reaching out to influencers and beauty bloggers, asking them to try and review my products. Their support helped me gain more customers and build a following.

At first, I was still operating my business from my grandma’s living room. But as my inventory grew and my customer base expanded, it became clear that I needed my own space. My grandma’s living room was no longer suitable for running a business.

So, I made the decision to invest in my own office space. I was only 17 years old, and it was a scary step to take. But I knew that if I wanted to continue growing my brand, I couldn’t let fear hold me back.

With my own office, I had more room to store my products and create new ones. It was a relief to have a dedicated space for my business. I could finally walk without tripping over boxes of lip gloss!

As I continued to push out new products and create content, it started to become overwhelming. There was so much to do, and I couldn’t handle it all on my own.

That’s when my mom, who you may know as Mama Boss, decided to quit her job and join me in running the business. Her support and help were invaluable. I don’t know where I would be without her.

In June, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by the news. It was a proud moment for me and my brand. Shortly after, I graduated from high school, which was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

Graduating meant I had more time to focus on my brand and grow it even more. With the support of my mom and the freedom to dedicate myself fully to my business, I was able to take it to new heights.

Eventually, we outgrew our office space and had to find a new one. It was a sign of our success and growth. Today, I am still pushing out new products and creating content, continuing to grow my brand.

It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve learned that with determination and hard work, anything is possible. And I’m excited to see where my lip gloss business takes me next.

From Grandma’s Living Room to My Own Office

When I first started my business, I didn’t have much space to work with. My grandma’s living room became the headquarters of Slime Queen Slay 17. I would spend hours mixing different colors and textures to create the perfect slime. The living room quickly transformed into a messy laboratory, with slime supplies scattered everywhere.

As my business started to grow, so did the mess in the living room. It became harder to navigate through the piles of slime ingredients and finished products. I knew it was time to find a bigger space where I could continue to expand my business.

I made the decision to invest in my own office space. At the age of 17, having my own office was both exciting and scary. I had to take a leap of faith and trust that my business would continue to thrive.

With the support of my mom, who had quit her job to help me with the business, we found the perfect office space. It was a blank canvas that we could transform into a creative and productive environment. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work.

Setting up the office was no easy task. We had to organize all the slime supplies, set up workstations, and create a space that would inspire creativity. It took a lot of time and effort, but it was worth it.

Once the office was up and running, I felt a sense of pride. It was a physical representation of how far I had come. No longer confined to a cluttered living room, I now had a dedicated space for my business.

Having my own office allowed me to take my business to the next level. I was able to expand my product line and experiment with new ideas. With more space and resources, I could create even more amazing slime and lip glosses.

Today, I continue to push out new products and content from my office. It has become a hub of creativity and innovation. I am grateful for the journey that has brought me here and excited for what the future holds for Slime Queen Slay 17.

The Support of Mama Boss

My mom, also known as Mama Boss, played a significant role in helping me with my business. She has been my biggest supporter and has always believed in my dreams.

When I first started my lip gloss business, Mama Boss was there every step of the way. She helped me come up with new product ideas and even helped me make the lip glosses. We would spend hours in our small office space, mixing colors and testing out different formulas.

But Mama Boss didn’t just help with the production side of things. She also took on the role of marketing and promotion. She would reach out to influences and bloggers, sending them samples of our lip glosses in exchange for reviews and shoutouts.

Her hard work paid off, and soon our lip glosses were getting noticed. Orders started pouring in, and we were struggling to keep up with the demand. That’s when Mama Boss made the decision to quit her job and focus on the business full-time.

With Mama Boss by my side, we were able to expand our product line and reach even more customers. She helped me with everything from packaging and shipping to customer service. She was the backbone of our business, and I couldn’t have done it without her.

As our business grew, so did our need for a bigger space. Our small office was bursting at the seams with inventory and supplies. Mama Boss took charge once again and found us a new office space that could accommodate our growing business.

Today, we have a team of employees who help us with various aspects of the business. But Mama Boss is still the heart and soul of our company. She continues to support and guide me as we navigate the challenges of running a successful business.

I am forever grateful for the support and love Mama Boss has shown me. She has taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and never giving up on my dreams. Together, we have built a thriving business and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

Graduation and Growth

After graduating high school, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I finally had more time to focus on my brand and continue to grow it even more. With the support of my mom, aka Mama boss, we were ready to take our business to the next level.

Expanding Our Reach

With the success of our lip gloss business, we realized that we needed to expand our product line. We started brainstorming new ideas and researching what our customers were looking for. We wanted to offer them something unique and exciting.

  • Researching trends and customer preferences
  • Creating new product ideas
  • Testing and perfecting formulas
  • Designing eye-catching packaging
  • Preparing for a big product launch

A New Chapter

As our business continued to grow, we realized that our current office space was no longer sufficient. We needed more room for production, storage, and a dedicated workspace for our team. It was time to find a new office.

After weeks of searching, we finally found the perfect space. It was bigger, brighter, and had all the amenities we needed. Moving into our new office was both exciting and nerve-wracking. It was a symbol of how far we had come and the potential for even greater success.

Continued Hustle

With our expanded product line and new office, we were ready to take on new challenges. We continued to push out new products and content, always striving to stay ahead of the competition. It wasn’t always easy, but we were determined to make our mark in the beauty industry.

Grateful for the Journey

Looking back on my journey, I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunities and support I’ve received. Starting from my grandma’s living room to having my own office space, it’s been a whirlwind of hard work and dedication. None of this would have been possible without the support of my mom and the love from our customers.

As I continue to grow my brand, I’m excited to see what the future holds. I know there will be challenges along the way, but I’m ready to face them head-on. With a passion for entrepreneurship and a drive to succeed, I’m confident that I can continue to slay in the beauty industry as the Slime Queen.

Conclusion as My Journey

Ups and Downs

My journey as a teen entrepreneur has been filled with ups and downs. When I first started my slime business, Slime Queen Slay 17, I was excited and eager to see it grow. I sold my slime on Etsy and it was a hit! But after about a year, I decided to quit and try something new.

I ventured into the world of lip gloss and started my own business. At first, I only had a few glosses, but I worked hard to promote and expand my brand. It wasn’t easy, especially since I was operating out of my grandma’s living room. The space became cramped and messy, so I knew it was time for a change.

Investing in My Own Office

At the age of 17, I took a leap of faith and invested in my own office space. It was scary, but I knew I couldn’t give up. With the support of my mom, who became my business partner, we continued to push out new products and content. Graduating high school was a huge relief because it gave me more time to focus on my brand.

Growing and Expanding

As my business grew, so did the need for a bigger office space. We eventually outgrew our first office and had to find a new one. It was a sign of success and a testament to our hard work. Today, I am still pushing out new products and creating content for my brand.

Grateful for the Journey

I am incredibly grateful for the journey I have been on as a teen entrepreneur. It hasn’t always been easy, but the challenges have made me stronger and more determined. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my mom, who has been my rock throughout this process.

Continuing to Hustle

I am excited to see what the future holds for my business. I will continue to hustle and work hard to grow my brand even further. Being a teen entrepreneur has taught me valuable lessons about perseverance, dedication, and the power of following your dreams.

In conclusion, my journey as a teen entrepreneur has been a roller coaster ride, but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I am proud of how far I have come and I am excited for what lies ahead.

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